May 8, 2015

Executive Coaching

OrgPsych Executive Coaching

OrgPsych Executive CoachingOrgPsych’s coaching programs address personal change and transformation – about our ability to grow and change our behaviour patterns to enhance our business performance.

Our Systemic Leadership Development Executive Coaching incorporates individual coaching for the leader and live team coaching for the leadership team. The goal is to help executives develop their leadership capacity and achieve business results. 

The overall goal of behavioural coaching is to help individuals increase their effectiveness and happiness at work. Behavioural coaching seeks to enhance the individual’s life and work performance. It emphasises the coachee’s relationship with all aspects of his or her self – the cognitive, emotional, physical and behavioural selves. Behavioural coaching strives to engender self-knowledge and self-regulation of thinking, feelings and actions.

Behavioural coaching adopts a scientific approach to coaching to bring about measurable sustained learning acquisition and change in individuals and organisations. Behavioural coaching is underpinned by four different stages of change (reflective, preparation, action and maintenance) during which the coach employs distinct forms of coaching. These are coaching education, skills coaching, rehearsal coaching, performance coaching and self-coaching.

There are various assessment tools used in behavioural coaching such as the MBTI, GENOS, GLWS and the LPI.

The MBTI is a tool that recognises natural preferences, offers an awareness of our own skills and orientation to the world and shows a way to develop and operate outside one’s preferred styles when necessary.

Learning about our own personality preferences paves the way for understanding colleagues who view the world from a different perspective. A person can improve his or her performance and work relationships greatly by learning to influence those whose psychological type differs from their own. A more persuasive and effective communication system can result in a better outcome that takes into account the information or delivery style required by other types.

By building collaborative relationships based on trust, respect, unconditional positive regard and commitment, behavioural coaches form working alliances that foster productivity, personal growth and well-being.
– Adapted from Dr. Suzanne Skiffington & Perry Zeus

As Executive coaches, OrgPsych specialise in preparing a coaching program focusing on individual and professional growth, and the sustained behavioral changes necessary to deliver performance beyond present levels. We work with participants to establish and reach their goals

  • building a strong foundation of personal mastery
  • increasing their belief and confidence in their personal effectiveness
  • aligning personal and business objectives
  • enhancing their interpersonal skills
  • uncovering and moving beyond the obstacles that stop them
  • developing their personal vision and uncovering their values
  • changing behaviours
  • keeping them focused on the outcomes they value
  • measuring and evaluating their progress, and ultimately gain the benefits listed below.

What is executive coaching?

Executive Coaching is an emerging profession that synthesises the best aspects of business, leadership, psychology, communications, organisation development, counseling, consulting, sports psychology and philosophy, social neuroscience, and western and eastern philosophies.

Why does executive coaching work?

It helps the individual clarify objectives and goals; aligns values, goals and actions; keeps individuals accountable; offers support; challenges; keeps the individual focused, reinforces changed behaviours; is the best of many disciplines. Itís based on validated techniques to change behavior.

What are the tools we use to assess current needs?

Coaching Needs Analysis; Values; Assessment — Structured Interviews and Profiles: Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI) 360, GENOS 360 (to access emotional intelligence) and MBTI Step II (Myers-Briggs™ to assess psychological preferences).

What techniques accelerate the learning process?

Assessing and matching the individual’s learning style; self-paced learning; assessing values to ensure they are in synchrony with the individual’s and organisation’s values and goals; highlights choice and self-responsibility.

What are the benefits of Executive Coaching?

  • opening up new opportunities and options for learning and development solutions
  • providing an objective and fresh point of view
  • providing specialist coaching knowledge, skills and abilities
  • maintaining a neutral, non-political stance
  • acting as a catalyst for change by impacting on the way people learn
  • maintaining confidentiality without compromise
  • training key personnel in the organisation to adopt a coaching role
  • training key individuals in the organisation to establish a coaching culture

Individual and Team Coaching is an exciting journey of self-discovery, self- management and development which opens up new opportunities for professional and personal fulfillment and achievement. The program shows participants how to draw on and develop personal resources and qualities to:

  • enhance interpersonal skills in the workplace
  • deal with difficult colleagues
  • enhance leadership qualities
  • improve team leadership skills
  • enhance management skills
  • improve personal effectiveness by creating personal and professional goals
  • support and accelerate personal and professional development
  • remove obstacles to successful personal development
  • increase job satisfaction
  • gain a source of purpose and motivation
  • obtain strength and power without excess
  • better cope with pressures and stress

What learning tools can you access in the coaching process?

How to challenge limiting beliefs; planning; setting goals; making effective
choices; managing emotions; problem-solving techniques; developing new skills
and enhancing current capabilities.

What can you expect from me as a coach?

Confidentiality, reliability, specialty knowledge of cognitive and behavioural change, leadership knowledge, activities and checklists to enhance your learning, challenge, support, honest and direct feedback, objectivity, commitment to your agenda and growth etc.

How do we measure coaching effectiveness?

Conduct LPI 360 and GENOS (EI) 360 at the outset of an executive coaching program and after 9/12 coaching sessions, also from client and sponsor feedback.

What might we discuss in our fortnightly coaching sessions?

Values, personal and professional goals, obstacles to growth, vision, achievements, successes, business goals, strategies to change behaviours and move forward, methods of measuring success; development of skills etc.

Executive coaching, mentoring and training

Executive coaching is not training. Why you may ask? Well coaching and training are two different things. Training is imparting skills like typing skills. Coaching is helping people develop their skills and assumes they have the skills but are not utilising them to their fullest.


  • delivers a set amount of information from exterior
  • agenda fixed, set by trainer and rarely involves feedback
  • usually for a group
  • tends to reinforce a traditional style


  • find personal information and intrinsic motivation
  • agenda fluid, set by individual and includes ongoing feedback
  • usually personalized
  • a more democratic, collaborative process


  • to support mentees in managing their own learning
  • to be a sounding board ñ to challenge assumptions, ideas and behaviours
  • to motivate the mentee to achieve objectives
  • to be a credible role model; to be there; to inspire
  • to provide a safe, objective, non-judgmental, and confidential space for the mentee
  • to help mentees enhance and develop their and to enable them to be more effective in their industry for the benefit of their clients, themselves and their organisation.


  • not just lead a company but build a company of leaders
  • developing leadership at all levels of an organisation
  • assist high performers to perfect their strengths, rise to their full potential and gain the sense of poise, approachability and confidence required to foster trust in teams
  • increase talent retention, loyalty and accountability
  • apply training in a measured, reflective and well supported way
  • recover quickly from stumbling blocks and take away valuable lessons and new strategies for future improvement

Contact us now to discuss executive coaching.