OrgPsych John McCann

John McCann B. Comm, Grad Dip Psych, PG Dip Psych, M.OrgPsych, MAPS, FAIM is a Systemic Executive Coach, Registered Positive Psychologist, Leadership Consultant, Author, Presenter and Managing Director of OrgPsych.
John has 40 years of experience in management and sales during which time he carried out the role of Assistant General Manager of NZI Corporation (now IAG) employing 2,500 staff. His early formative career was spent in IT and marketing. He has extensive experience in team building, leadership development, executive coaching and counselling.
In the 1980’s John founded companies in the mining and computer industries – one of which achieved IBM’s most prestigious award of ‘IBM Gold Logo Dealer’ – Best of the Best. He has worked extensively throughout North America. He has conducted training in client relationship development, personal performance, marketing and sales.
John established a consultancy in 1989 now known as OrgPsych. The company specialises in improving organisational effectiveness through individual, management, leadership and client relationship development. The OrgPsych team operate as consultants, coaches, counsellors and confidants.
His work is underpinned by positive psychology and the ‘person centred’ work of Carl Rogers and informed by the latest scientific research of the brain namely Neuroscience and Neurobiology.
As an Executive Coach – John has spent over 10,500 hours coaching executives and continues to foster self-development so that competence and fulfilment improve. He believes in assisting people to build well-being today so they will flourish tomorrow.
Since 2002 he has successfully conducted a number of organisational diagnosis’ using the leading edge, ‘Voice’ employee climate survey. The diagnosis measures 32 management practices (organisational performance indicators) such as supervision, leadership, teamwork, communication and cooperation, wellness, job and customer satisfaction. Results have included the introduction of salary packaging and significant personal, group and management development.
Positive Authentic Leadership and Being a Trusted Advisor: As a result of his years of leadership experience, John developed and delivered a leadership development and client development programs to a wide range of businesses and community groups. The programs can be tailored to meet the needs of any industry and focus on building relationships based on the values of respect, trust, empathy, unconditional positive regard and genuineness. The leadership program is based on John’s practical experience and the work of world renown practitioners, educators and researchers.
OrgPsych Clients
Clients include leading Australian and international companies in various industries including: Actuarial, Aged members’ services, Consulting, Engineering, Finance and Banking, Insurance, High Technology, Hospitality, Manufacturing, Motor Vehicle, Pharmaceutical and Real Estate.
He has generated evidenced based relationship development and leadership programs for the workplace based on principle centered values and the work of Carl Rogers and leading psychologists and educators. These are generic products which can be tailored to meet the needs of any industry.
John has been personally trained and certified by Dr Skiffington and Dr Hilary Armstrong, Institute of Executive Coaching and Leadership. The late Dr Skiffington was internationally recognised as the world’s leading educator of coaches. Her work and research in coaching has been reported in the world’s top business, professional and scientific journals. Through her many publications and work with the Behavioural Coaching Institute, Dr Skiffington was internationally recognised as a pioneer in the development of coaching models and methodology and is acknowledged as a leader in the development of business coaching tools and techniques. Dr Skiffington’s work is continued by the Behavioural Coaching Institute.
More recently, John has completed the USA based MBO Consulting Leading with Backbone and Heart Program.
John has a special interest in leadership development. He conducted a major research study on the effects of Charismatic Transformational Leadership behaviour on employee’s Organisational Commitment. He presented a paper on the study at the 5th Australian Industrial & Organisational Psychology Conference in 2003. He is the lead author on this paper which was published in a peer reviewed international psychological journal – ‘Group & Organisation Management’ in April 2006.
Smart Business Builders – Smart People Smart Business –
A fascinating series of inspiring real life stories of the challenges and triumphs of small business owners from a variety of backgrounds in Australia. Each story has useful insights that only come from experience – and the lessons apply regardless of where you are or the type of business you have.
“For someone of such notable knowledge and experience, John brings a surprising humility, warmth and openness to his business relationships. He works alongside clients to achieve the best possible results rather than preaching from a distance. John’s enthusiasm for creating strengths-based organisations under the principles of positive psychology is utterly infectious. He helps others improve by building them up rather than knocking them down. In focussing on the strengths of his clients, he removes any barriers to openly exploring perceived weaknesses and setting manageable plans for positive growth.” Karina Butera PhD.
- Bachelor of Commerce – Marketing (UNSW)
- University Award (UNSW)
- Graduate and Post Graduate Diplomas in Psychology (CSU)
- Masters in Organisational Psychology (Macquarie University)
- Post Graduate Harvard (USA)
- Fellow of the Australian Institute of Management
- Registered Psychologist with the Psychology Board of Australia (PBA)
- Member of the Australian Psychological Society (MAPS)
- Graduate of Dr Skiffington Master Coach Course
- Graduate of the Institute of Executive Coaching Course
- Graduate of Dr Tal Ben-Shahar foundations of Positive Psychology
- Accredited MBTI Practitioner
- Accredited GENOS Practitioner
- Organisational Psychology
- Executive and Leadership Coaching
- Appreciative Inquiry
- GENOS Emotional Intelligence Assessments
- Global Leadership Wellbeing Survey (GLWS) Assessment
- Life Coaching
- Customer Service and Loyalty Training/Coaching
- Leadership in Real Estate
- Corporate Training, Facilitation and Presentations
- Positive Psychology
- Group Coaching and Facilitation
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